Tuesday, August 26, 2014

From Fat to Fierce: My Weight Loss Journey | Week 2

So at first I felt disappointed in myself that I had only lost 1.6 pounds. But then I realized, after much self loathing, that I should be proud of my accomplishment. I ate pretty healthy for the week, even got to enjoy pizza, worked out for 5 days, and still lost weight. I didn't have to starve myself or slave at the gym! My disappointment came from a never ending need to see large results, quickly. That's why I was so pumped last week. But if you stop and remember, if you saw my vlog, I started the week (5 days) doing the 17 day diet. And it was so rough. I felt like I was dying and cried almost every day. Towards the end of the week I downloaded his amazing app called My Plate, and I've been happy ever since. 

So the point of this post, besides showing you all what I accomplished this week, is to be proud of ANY accomplishment you make! Only lost a little like me? BE PROUD! Didn't lose weight but lost inches? BE PROUD! hey, at least you're still getting smaller! Just don't ever let yourself get down for the things that you do that are actually good! I step forward is a step in the right direction! 

Beginning Weight (lbs) and Measurements (ins)

Weight: 265.2
Neck: 16.25
Chest: 46
Right Bicep: 17.5
Left Bicep: 17
Right Forearm: 11.75
Left Forearm: 11.25
Waist: 44
Hips: 53.5
Right Thigh: 30.5
Left Thigh: 30.5 
Right Calf: 16.5
Left Calf: 16.5 

Week 1 Weight (lbs) and Measurements (ins) 

Weight: 258.4 (-6.8)
Neck: 15.75 (-.5)
Chest: 44.5 (-1.5)
Right Bicep: 17 (-.5)
Left Bicep: 16.5 (-.5) 
Right Forearm: 11.5 (-.25)
Left Forearm: 11 (-.25)
Waist: 42 (-2) 
Hips: 52.5 (-1)
Right Thigh: 29.5 (-1)
Left Thigh: 29.5 (-1)
Right Calf: 16.25 (-.25)
Left Calf: 16.25 (-.25)

Week 2 Weight (lbs) and Measurements (ins)

Weight: 256.8 (-1.6)
Neck: 15.25 (-.5)
Chest: 43 (-1.5)
Right Bicep: 16.75 (-.25)
Left Bicep: 16.25 (-.25) 
Right Forearm: 11.5 (0)
Left Forearm: 11 (0)
Waist: 41 (-1) 
Hips: 52.5 (0)
Right Thigh: 29.5 (0)
Left Thigh: 29 (-.5)
Right Calf: 16 (-.25)
Left Calf: 16 (-.25)

Inches Lost: 4.5
Pounds Lost: 1.6

Total Inches Lost: 13.5
Total Pounds Lost 8.4


  1. You just have to find what works for you and enjoy the ride. It'll be a lot of ups and downs, but you'll hit your groove. I always did weight watchers, because I didn't want to deny myself my favorite foods. I just wanted to account for them.

    1. Thanks girl! I'm learning to find my center balance between healthy and happy! It's a struggle, but I'm definitely on my way!

  2. Girl, way to go on getting up and active! I just started my own adventure into fitness and it's interesting to see what works and what doesn't. I even joined my colleges rugby team!

    1. Thanks Alyssa! Hope rugby goes well for you!! It seems so interesting!
