Monday, April 7, 2014

Motivational Monday

This one should be fun. This Motivational Monday is going to be about education! Now education doesn't mean going to college or getting a higher degree, it's about continuously learning. College isn't for everyone, and I understand that. I do urge you to try it out though. Even if you can to a community college, a local state college, or a big university, just try. You will learn that if you've put your best foot forward and it's still not for you, you can still succeed in life. 

My parents didn't go to college. My mom ended up being a manager of a grocery store before she passed away. Not the most glorious life, but she could support herself. My dad was accepted to college on a football scholarship, but he blew his knee out before school started and couldn't play football and therefore couldn't go to college. But what my dad did was he still continued his education. He has had a multitude of jobs. But he was successful at each job. Even still, he's successful being self-employed. He supports his wife, helps out me and my stepsister, and has 2 employees that he loves like family. One of them has 3 children that my dad continuously buys toys for, he spoils them. 

Oscar Wilde got it right, you can never be overdressed or overeducated. My dad always taught me that my education is something that no one in this world will ever be able to take away from me. And that it something that is very important to me. I'm still struggling to decide if I want to be done with my educational journey, with a B.A. in Organizational Management or continue on to get my MBA. Who know's what I'll do. Either way, I'll never stop learning. I read a book everyday. Not a whole book, put at least a few pages. I like to mix it up between fiction and business type books. 

Whatever you do in your life, do not stop learning. 

An extra quote for your Motivational Monday, 

"If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room."

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